Lionstone Investments

Financial|design, strategy, web



Lionstone Investments is a real estate investment firm that specializes in conceptualizing, researching, and executing national investment strategies on behalf of institutional investors and high net worth individuals.

ttweak has been engaged for a number of years by Lionstone to steward their brand and major communications objectives.

We began our relationship with Lionstone by refreshing and repositioning their thirteen year old brand to better communicate their corporate culture. After their acquisition, we evolved the branding again to reflect their new partnership with their parent company.


Lionstone's Trademark


Over time, our work with Lionstone’s brand strategy has encompassed the development of a trademark that defines their investment philosophy.

Lionstone Investments logo
New Lionstone Investments logo

Our work with Lionstone includes a collateral package, content development, and website design.

Lionstone Investments Roundtable
Lionstone Investments Principles Wall Design
Lionstone Investments Handout